Terms Of Use/Privacy Policy


You agree that as a term and condition of this service, DigitalRadioTracker.com Inc., also known as DRT and its affiliates makes no representation or warranties in any way regarding the airplay success of a particular project. It is fully understood that DigitalRadioTracker.com Inc. provides a service in which we issue DRT Reports that list the airplay detections from our panel of monitored radio stations worldwide. These stations may include Major FM Terrestrial Radio, College, Internet Radio as well as other forms of radio throughout the world. These reports outline the name of stations in which airplay detections occurred and the total airplay detections on a daily, weekly or historical basis.

As a purchaser of a DRT Report, you release DigitalRadioTracker.com Inc. from all liabilities such as copyright infringements or any other claim by a third-party in connection with the monitoring and tracking of any artist song in which DigitalRadioTracker.com Inc. delivers compiled data in report form.

DigitalRadioTracker.com Inc. offers a DRT Report to anyone interested in radio airplay tracking for any artist in our database. At no time does DigitalRadioTracker.com Inc. guarantee 100% accuracy of all the contents provided in its reports nor does it guarantee any airplay detection on any DRT Report purchased. If a DRT Report is purchased and NO AIRPLAY is detected, DigitalRadioTracker.com Inc. will issue a FREE DRT Report within 30 days of purchase if client so desires. NO REFUNDS WILL BE ISSUED.

Purchaser agrees that if a breach of this agreement occurs and a lawsuit is filed against DigitalRadioTracker.com Inc. in which it is connected to the Purchaser and a DRT Report purchased. Purchaser shall pay to DigitalRadioTracker.com Inc. all its costs and expenses incurred in such suit including reasonable attorney fees.

The laws of the State Of Texas shall govern the validity, performance and enforcement of this agreement. Should either party institute a legal suit or action for enforcement, all proceedings shall take place in Harris County or wherever DigitalRadioTracker.com Inc. designates.

Purchaser agrees to the above terms and conditions upon its paid submission of this service.


If you’re an artist, manager, record label, music industry professional or a curious consumer visiting our website and elect to purchase a DRT Report, you hereby agree to accept our privacy policy.

The information you provide to us such as email address and contact information is used exclusively to communicate with you and is not shared or sold to any third parties. On occasions we may elect to send you special offers to your email address. If you prefer not to receive these emails, you can “opt-out” at any time by sending us a “remove from list” email.

Security is very important to us. The information you provide to us will be used by our merchant provider for credit card processing and will not be used for any other purpose. Once processed and for your security, we DO NOT store your credit card information. During your transaction we use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) software which encrypts the information you provide to us. Your credit card information is also blocked out on all receipts and email confirmations.

For more information about our privacy policy or any other questions, comments and concerns you can contact us at support@digitalradiotracker.com.


DigitalRadioTracker.com Inc., also known as DRT, is a Registered Trademark having the exclusive rights to transact business under its trade name, logo and symbols. All pertinent-related information on DRT’s website is for informational purposes and services to our users over the internet offered through DigitalRadioTracker.com. Similar content may have been created by a Third-Party, but it was not written, created or authorized by DRT or any of its advisors and does not represent the views and opinions of DRT or its affiliates. This site may contain links to articles or other information that may be contained on a Third-Party website. DRT does not endorse, control, adopt or is responsible for any content contained on any Third-Party website. DRT and its affiliated companies provide an exclusive service for radio airplay monitoring of recorded songs.


Site Tags

DigitalRadioTracker, Digital Streaming Radio, Song Tracking, Music Monitoring, Music Promotion, Radio Promotion, Radio Airplay, DRT Report, Radio Airplay Monitoring, Internet Radio, Airplay Tracking, Radio Marketing, Music Tracking, Broadcast Monitoring, DRT Airplay Chart, Music Charts, Global Airplay Charts, National Music Charts, DRT Plaques, Music Plaques, Music Marketing, Music Data, Music Analytics, Chart Data, Song Analytics, Singers, Rappers, Music Distributors, Radio Stations, Record Labels, Music Distributors, Musicians, Digital Radio Tracker